Umbrellatree.Models.CourseDetails.CourseDetails FinalUmbrellatree.Models.CourseDetails;

Full Stack Developer Hybrid Program

Your worth as a developer in the tech industry will increase significantly with Full Stack Development training.

You will be able to manage front end development, back end development, as well as everything related to database aspects, once you have completed this programme.

Why Study With Umbrella Tree

We transform lives by empowering people via digital skills

Intensive Training

Our intensive training will give you real employable skills to match the industry standards and build an end-to-end full-fledged functional web applications using MERN technologies.

Live Project and Internship

Live project and internship are the core of the program. Under the supervision of highly experience professional you will finish the program as an experienced Software Development Professional rather than a Fresher.

Learning Augmentation

Our unique technique will help identify learning gaps and fill them up such that you not only understand the concepts better but also learn how to use them in different real time scenarios.

Expert Lectures

Our Expert Lecture Series will provide you abundant opportunities to learn about current business scenarios and situations,real-life problems faced by the speakers and their solutions.

Communication For Success

Communication skills are as much needed in IT industry as technology skills.This program will let you master much needed skills for interview, meetings, public speaking, emails, networking, and negotiations.

Employment Assurance

Our career development team will provide you with 1 to 1 career counselling session, conduct mock interviews, and get you ready for the hiring day.

Course Description

Full-stack development refers to the method of applying both front-end and back development technologies to develop web applications. Full-stack developers are in great demand across the globe. This course will prepare you to work on the front end and back end of a web application. The front-end part defines the visual look and feel of the application, while the back end represents the server-side code that implements business rules and controls the front end.

This program prepares you to get job-ready and enhance your skills to match industry standards. This program will help you build an end-to-end full-fledged functional web application using MERN and python technologies, fill any gaps in soft skills and prepare you for an interview.

What you'll learn

  • ... HTML
  • ... CSS
  • ... JavaScript
  • ... ReactJS
  • ... MongoDB
  • ... GIT
  • ... Node
  • ... Python
This module is designed to make you familiar with the structure of a web page with the help of HTML. You will learn the basic concepts of HTML and use HTML5 to create the web page.
This module is designed to make you familiar with the beautification of your HTML web pages. You will learn how to use different CSS Properties and Sass to add responsiveness to your HTML web page.
In this module, you will learn about the grid system of Bootstrap to make your web page responsive.
This module is designed to build the foundation of full-stack web development with the help of JavaScript as programming. You will learn all the fundamentals Concepts of JavaScript from basics to advance along with the ES6 feature
This module is designed to make you familiar with the principles of data structures and algorithms. You will learn about different types of data structures that are available in JavaScript and will be able to find the optimal solution for your problem using the best possible approach.
This module is designed to make you familiar with the structure of a web page with the help of HTML. You will learn the basic concepts of HTML and use HTML5 to create the web page.
This Python and Django course content covers the topics from basics to advanced level like Python for Machine Learning, AI, Web development and Data Science
MongoDB is a modern, general-purpose database platform that gives developers and applications more control over software and data. It is a source-available document-oriented database program available across platforms. MongoDB is a NoSQL database program that uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas.
About the Module This module is designed to make you familiar with the front-end library React.js. You will learn to design responsive User interfaces with MVC architecture that can use different APIs to add dynamic nature to your User Interface. You will also learn to divide the User Interface into different independent, small, and reusable components.
GIT is a version control system. This is used for coordinating work among programmers collaboratively developing source code during software development. This module will familiarise you with GIT that is essential part of any software development now
The live project is a unique opportunity to carry out independent group work in order to devise an innovative solution for a real-world problem. While a project of this scope and scale can be challenging, it can also be very rewarding.
The free course helps you prepare for a job interview with confidence and clarity. It offers valuable insights on resume-building and handling different interview (virtual/in-person) techniques and questions.
The course, with its interactive and need based modules, will address various challenges of communication as well as behavioural skills faced by individuals.
End the course by building your own website!
Learn how to build full-stack applications with industry-level skills that will help you land your dream job.
Get hands-on experience with the latest and greatest technologies like MongoDB, Python, GIT, ReactJS, and NodeJS.
Finish off with a Capstone Project to showcase your mastery of the skills you have learned.

Student feedback

  • ...
    Oscar Cafeo

    Beautiful courses

    This course was well organized and covered a lot more details than any other Figma courses. I really enjoy it. One suggestion is that it can be much better if we could complete the prototype together. Since we created 24 frames, I really want to test it on Figma mirror to see all the connections. Could you please let me take a look at the complete prototype?

  • ...
    Alex Morgan

    Beautiful courses

    This course was well organized and covered a lot more details than any other Figma courses. I really enjoy it. One suggestion is that it can be much better if we could complete the prototype together. Since we created 24 frames, I really want to test it on Figma mirror to see all the connections. Could you please let me take a look at the complete prototype?

  • ...
    Alex Morgan

    Beautiful courses

    This course was well organized and covered a lot more details than any other Figma courses. I really enjoy it. One suggestion is that it can be much better if we could complete the prototype together. Since we created 24 frames, I really want to test it on Figma mirror to see all the connections. Could you please let me take a look at the complete prototype?

  • Duration
    26 week
  • Lectures
  • Language
  • Skill level
  • Certificate



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